Captains and President for 2024

Men's Captain 2024

Kevin Donohue

Women's Captain 2024

Carmel Boland

President 2024

Elizabeth Barry

Junior Captain

Jack Whelan


Board of Management 2024

Chairperson - Vincent Jennings
Course - Michael Kemmy
Finance - Maurice Barrett
House - Christine Conway
Membership - Deirdre O'Malley
IT & Communications - John Blake
Women's Captain - Carmel Boland
Men's Captain - Kevin Donohue

Men's Committee 2024

Captain - Kevin Donohue
Vice Captain - Alan Brady
Secretary - Oliver O'Toole
Treasurer - Philip Spillane
Committee - Fergal Cusack, Mike Galligan, Padraig Hession, Terry McInerney, Mike O'Brien, Noel O'Donnell & Martin Quaid

Women's Committee 2024

Captain - Carmel Boland
Vice Captain - Cassie Cotter
Hon. Secretary - Julie Grehan
Treasurer - Marie McConn
Handicap Secretary - Fiona McCarthy
Competition Secretary - Patricia Kelly
Junior Convenor - Maria Kelly
Committee Mary Conlon, Ann Keating, Fiona Kerr & Fiona McCarthy


Junior Captain - Jack Whelan